Well done to the children in year two and three who represented the school in the tag rugby tournament held at Market Harborough Rugby Club. In very difficult conditions, the two teams played with great enthusiasm and teamwork. Thank you to Miss Parker and Mr Beach for coaching the teams.
A big thank you to Neil O’Brien MP for visiting our school. He took part in a tour of the school and then joined the school for our collective worship.The children really enjoyed hearing about his work at the Houses of Parliament and they had some excellent questions for him. To complete his visit to the school he met the school council who welcomed him to open their first meeting of the year. The newly elected council discussed the parts of the school of which they are most proud and share their aims for the year ahead.
Well done to the pupils in years two and three who represented the school in the match held at Tugby Primary School. The team showed great determination and team work in the first fixture of the season. Thank you to Miss Parker for coaching the team.
We are pleased to be able to share the outcomes of our recent Ofsted inspection. The inspection took place on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th July and this was our first inspection using the new Ofsted framework of September 2015. The governing body and senior leaders in our school have considered this report and believe it reflects our many strengths and identifies the areas of development which we have already been addressing.
The report identifies Church Langton to be a good school with outstanding features. The details of the report elaborate further on the findings of the inspection.
It also identifies the following strengths:
- The drive and ambition of leaders, including governors, ensure that the school continues to move forward and provide well for its pupils
- Standards in reading, writing and mathematics are well above average
- The curriculum promotes pupils’ personal development and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding extremely well
- Pupils are confident and successful learners. Their behaviour is outstanding.
- Additional staff contribute well to pupils’ appreciation of the arts and their skills in music and art, particularly.
- Pupils are extremely positive about their learning.
- Pupils make consistently strong progress