The South Leicestershire Sport Team create a monthly newsletter for parents and pupils. The newsletters are designed to give parents a basic understanding of health and well-being. They include links to websites for more detailed information and helplines and further support. This month’s can be found here.1. January 2022- New Years Resolutions
We recently held our annual Church Langton Spelling Bee. The standards seen amongst the pupils was exceptional and it was hard to find eventual winners with extra lists sometimes being needed. The overall winner for year 1 was Abigail. The overall winner for year 2 was Emmeline. The overall winner for years 3 and 4 was Corey. Finally, the overall winner for years 5 and 6 was David. These were the overall winners but each class had heat champions and all of the participants and winners should all be extremely proud of the standards that they achieved.
Rev Jonathan led our Christmas Service at St Peter’s on the last day of term where we enjoyed carols and readings as well as hearing about the joy of giving and receiving gifts.
Mr Kirkland and Mr Haigh led our musical showcase at the end of term with classes and groups having the chance to share their learning from the past term. This included percussion performances, singing, a special performance from the brass band and the chance for our Taiko drumming group to wow the rest of the school.
A big thank you to the kitchen staff who did a wonderful job preparing our delicious Christmas Dinner. It was wonderful to have pupils, staff and governors able to sit and enjoy the meal together.
The children had a great time at the Festive Fun day organised by our parent volunteers. The day included games of guess the number of Brussel Sprouts in the jar, guess the weight of the cake and pick the name of the snowy owl as well as a very special visitor to each class.
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped on the day and in the background, we really couldn’t have done it without you.
Well done everyone for taking part and a huge thank you for all the contributions to the FoCLS. We raised £602.21 for the FoCLS which is fantastic, we really appreciate all your support.
In the final week of term we said a thank you and goodby to Rev Alison Booker who has been our school chaplain for the past ten years. Rev Alison is moving on to become Archdeacon of Oakham and we are sure she will be a great support to all of the churches she will be working with. During her time at our school Alison has supported many individual families and staff during difficult times, led many services, both in person and online, and set up the trips to Launde Abbey which we hope to re-establish later this year.
We are delighted to continue to have the support of Rev Jonathan who is also a school governor.
The pupils in year one, two and reception did a brilliant job performing “It’s a Baby” on the stage firstly to the rest of the school and then to audiences of parents. We were delighted to be able to welcome the audience and the children had a great time. The recording of the nativity is available to watch on the class teams.
Our Christmas preparations started with our annual decorations morning. The children enjoyed creating lots of different festive decorations for their classrooms and the trees in the corridor at the front of the school.