Year 1 had a great time meeting Pumpkin the bearded dragon! One of our Year 1 pupils brought Pumpkin in for show and tell and enjoyed teaching everyone about reptiles.
Thank you to Year 5 for leading our communion service at St Peter’s Church. All of the children did a fantastic job!
The whole school enjoyed the chance to take part in art and craft activities in preparation for Easter. All of the classes were mixed up so the older pupils had the chance to help younger children and all were taught by a range of different members of staff. Thank you to Mrs Pemberton and Mrs Harrison for organising the morning.
Well done to the basketball team who represented our school in the tournament held in Kettering recently. The team performed brilliantly, winning all of their matches and were delighted to receive their winners’ medals.
The whole school had a wonderful day of poetry with visiting poet Andy Tooze. The day started with an assembly where all joined in with some performance poetry and hearing poems from Andy’s books. This continued into reception and key stage one where the children had a chance to ask him questions and to learn more about poetry. Key stage two classes each had a writing workshop which involved them composing their own poems. Some of these were then shared at the end of the day in an assembly for the whole school. A big thank you to Friends of Church Langton School for funding this great learning experience and to Mr Baylis for organising the event.
We had a wonderful week of activities which included the pupils in each class sharing their headteacher challenges. Photos from across the classes have been shared in our Sway newsletter, the selection below give an indication of the superb experiments and challenges the pupils took part in.
We were delighted to welcome Neil O’Brien MP to officially open our new classroom and extension. The completion of this project has seen our year six class move into a wonderful new learning environment and the wider school has also benefited with the creation of our new nurture space and a new toilet block.
The ceremony was started with pupils from years three, four, five and six performing on the Japanese Taiko Drums led by Mr Kirkland. The audience made up of parents, governors and Learn-AT Trust Leader Stef Edwards, then saw the building blessed by Rev Jonathan Dowman. John Day, Chair of Governors, thanked all who had been involved in the project over the past eighteen months.
Friends of Church Langton School presented a cheque to the school of £10,000 which had made a significant contribution to the new building.
Mr O’Brien, who had visited the school when the initial plans were being created, was delighted to be able to open the extension and pleased to speak with the year six pupils again having recently welcomed them to the Houses of Parliament as part of their trip to London.
Mr Roddy, headteacher, captured the feeling of all involved, “We are delighted with the new extension and are grateful to all who have been involved in the project. At Church Langton we are always striving to provide the best facilities for our pupils and following the creation of the art room and the all weather sports pitch, the new extension will provide a wonderful learning environment for pupils for many years to come.”
We have had a brilliant month inspiring pupils to be as active as possible. The launch involved a visit from Spike and the encouragement that we would be contributing to the wider Harborough Hawks team in the challenge.
Each week Mrs Jones has calculated all of the points earnt by each class and staff members.
After preparing for the last few months we were very proud of all the pupils involved at the The Big Dance event at the Core in Corby Cube this weekend. A reception and key stage one group performed first followed by a key stage two group while other pupils from our school were also part of the main Core Dance performances. All involved had a brilliant time performing on the stage. A big thank you to all involved in the Core Dance company who organise our dance classes.
Thank you to all who contributed to our most recent parent forum meeting where we discussed the development of our Anti-Racism Pledge, school uniform and the recent reports. It was good to have parents from a range of year groups taking part along with Mr Roddy and our chair of Governors, Mr Day. These sessions are open to all parents and carers in our school community with the next one scheduled for Friday 10th June.