Breakfast / After School Club

Breakfast Club

For those children who need to be brought in before School starts, there is a drop-in facility for all year groups held in the school every morning from 7.45am – 8.45am (£5.50).  Pre-booking is essential through ParentPay and all of those who attend receive a healthy breakfast before being taken to class by the staff.

After School Club

The After School Club has proved a great success and is constantly changing to suit the demands of busy parents and active children. The club, run by school staff, is available for pupil of all year groups. Pre-booking is essential through ParentPay and the cut off is on Wednesday at midnight.

We provide themed arts and crafts, messy play, outdoor play, table and floor activities.

The Club starts at 3.15pm when a member of staff will collect your child from the school hall. The children are then taken to the Langton Community Hall but also make use of the school field and 3G pitch. The child is not allowed to leave until signed out by a designated person collecting them who must be over 18 years of age.   The Club runs two sessions:

  • 3.15pm – 4.15pm (£5.50)
  • 3.15pm – 5.15pm including a healthy snack (£11.00)


The cost for each session is £5.50.  Session 2 (3.15 – 5.15pm) is a double session.


If you have any further questions about the clubs please contact :


Breakfast/Afterschool Policy