Our school dinners are provided by Leicestershire School food support.
Meals are prepared daily and a sample menu can be viewed below.
The cost of a meal is £2.35 and these can be pre-booked online through our ParentPay system which can be accessed using the following link:
If your child has a special dietary requirement or has an allergy to any food items, please consult with the school office who will liaise with the school’s kitchen supervisor to ensure your child is catered for.
We also ask that packed lunches do not contain nuts or products with nuts in.
All children in 4+ and Years 1 and 2 are currently entitled to free school meals.
If you’re on a low income and receive certain benefits you may be eligible for additional support such as free milk and free school meals for children not in reception or years 1 and 2. All eligible parents should apply as it gives your child extra support and helps their school.
Did you know that
- Our school’s food ordering process is the same for every child as we use an anonymous system therefore there is no way of identifying a child in receipt of free school meals?
- At our school, both school meal and packed lunch children sit together therefore swapping a packed lunch for a free school meal won’t alter where your child sits or who they sit with?
- Approximately 20% of children who are entitled to free school meals are not registered?
- The school receives additional funding known as pupil premium funding for every child entitled to free school meals?
School meals are free for your children if you receive:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- An income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit and have an annual income of £16,190 or less
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
You’re not entitled to free school meals if you receive Working Tax Credit.