Welcome to our website, we hope it gives you a taste of everything we are proud of at Church Langton.
The school holds an important position as a long-established and highly-regarded educational establishment within the South Leicestershire area. We are a one form entry school located in the middle of beautiful Leicestershire countryside serving the villages of Church Langton, East Langton, Tur Langton, Thorpe Langton as well as welcoming pupils from Market Harborough and other neighbouring villages. We have close links with St Peter’s Church and are very proud to be an Aided School as part of the Diocese of Leicester and a member of Learn Academies Trust. We have network links and close links with other schools, both local primary and secondary school.
Our dedicated and enthusiastic staff create exciting opportunities for our pupils to achieve their potential. At Church Langton we seek high levels of attainment and achievement in the core subjects and across a broad curriculum, including many other opportunities. We encourage pupils to have a very positive self image and to be confident in their learning.
All pupils are offered a wide range of opportunities, activities and after-school clubs from expertise within school and also from outside providers. Visitors to the school and educational visits provide opportunities to extend learning to the wider learning environment, as do quality residential study visits offered in Years 4 and 6.
We have a well-resourced and organised school. All classes have excellent computing equipment and we are lucky to have a large hall. At the back of this is our on-site kitchen where all our meals are cooked. Our art room is a tremendous resource where a wide range of pieces of work are created. We have a well-stocked Library, separate ICT suite, small group rooms, music room, staff room, teachers’ planning area and associated office space not to mention our wonderful outside areas! This is a school with space and creative opportunities to fill that space!
‘Friends of Church Langton’ are a well organised group of parents and friends who help to organise additional community activities which raise money to provide some of the ‘extras’ our children enjoy including end of term treats, theatre visits, additional school trips and additional resources to use at playtimes.
I have a committed group of school governors who meet regularly, often in the daytime to see the school in action and play an active role in school life, supporting me and the staff with a varied remit of activities.
We do our very best to deliver a high quality, interesting and challenging curriculum to enable our pupils to make rapid progress. Importantly our children enjoy their time here, when the time comes for them to leave for the Secondary School, I want them to have a wealth of happy memories to draw on!
Why not make an appointment and come and have a look around? I look forward to meeting you.
Lucy Anderson