Drama is an important part of school life at Church Langton and every child from four plus through to year six has the opportunity to take part in a drama production each year.
Towards the end of the autumn Term the early years and key stage one teachers and pupils are very busy rehearsing for their Christmas plays. Years one and two put on a delightful Nativity performance for their families, while early years usually perform together to entertain everyone with another traditional Christmas story. These productions involve a mixture of drama and music.
In the Spring Term the pupils in years three, four and five prepare and perform the Easter Play, a fantastic opportunity for the children to develop their understanding of the Easter story while developing their performance skills.
In the summer term the year six pupils perform their leavers play as a culmination of their time at Church Langton. Every year group also holds a class assembly each year which provides other opportunities for drama performances.
In addition, drama opportunities are available through the regular club run by Lemon Jelly Arts. All members of the key stage two classes are welcome to attend and a variety of opportunities are given to develop their skills in this area.