
It is our aim is to strengthen the relationship between pupil and music, increasing attention and involvement with music. We have an “Every child is musical” approach and lessons are highly practical, fun, challenging and involve all.

We have very fortunate to have Mr Kirkland, our specialist music teacher, who takes all the classes for their music lessons, and oversees music provision throughout the school.

The children currently have several opportunities in class time to learn the basics on ukuleles, recorders, xylophones and taiko or samba drums and percussion, as well as covering other aspects of music such as composition, use of IT, learning notation, listening and watching and appraising.

Performances happen throughout the year with key stage two performing to parents at the end of the autumn term and our music evening in the summer term is a chance for individuals to showcase their talents.

We are proud to be a singing school with pupils taking great enjoyment from this element of our worship. Our Nativity and Easter plays offers opportunities for group and solo performances while the year six leavers’ play is a definite highlight of the year.

Performances to larger audiences give the children a chance to experience involvement in large scale productions. Our year five and six pupils take part in Young Voices at the Birmingham Arena while year four take part in the Leicestershire Music Hub performance at DeMontfort Hall in Leicester each summer.

In recent years pupils have also performed their own Opera as part of Snappy Opera, click here to see a video of the experience they had.


Small group instrumental lessons

We have several visiting teachers who provide individual or small group lessons on particular instruments.  If you would like to know more about cost, availability etc, then please contact the school office.